Thank you Mentor Series!

I'm a huge fan of continuing education. I'm always reading, researching, and experimenting.

One of the ways I try and sharpen my creative skills is to take a photo workshop when time allows. It's a great way to meet fellow photographers, learn new things, and provides a window of time where you just focus on being creative.

One of the workshop series I enjoy is the Popular Photographer Mentor Series program. It's a great way to visit new locations and spend time with established photographers who have worked or are still working for entities such as Time Magazine, National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, and so on.

I always learn something new at these events and have been participating in the program for the last 9 or 10 years.

I was pleasantly surprised about a month or so ago when I was selected to have a member profile appear in Popular Photography Magazine. It's a short piece. But, I'm thrilled to have been selected. (Click the pic below to be taken to the online article).

After being told about this. I started looking at my photographs over the years and saw how my style and story telling skills have changed.

As Creatives, our world is always changing and requires an investment of time to keep up everything. Cameras and software change. New features like WiFi (in camera, wireless tethering to computers, tablets, and phones) and wireless (remote triggers, lighting, etc) can cause a lot of head scratching when they don't work quite right. Backup strategies and optimizing your desktop or laptop for the best performance requires an investment of time.

With all of these things taking up slices of our time, we want to make sure that we make time to experiment with our creativity.

Thanks Mentor Series!

To learn more about the Mentor Series program, please visit